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Friday, April 06, 2007

A Great

free ringtone


An interesting ringtone read Ringtones Composer � Bring Out The Melodious Composer In You!

Author: Nelson Widrow
Apparently the massively large library of ringtones that has been amassed in multiple locations is not quite large enough. People now need ringtones composers. I didn't even know there was such a thing, but then again I am not exactly what one would call technology savvy. These ringtones composers must have been around for quite a while now as there are currently multiple software programs for composing your own ringtones, however I am just now hearing about them. Apparently the ringtones composers are software that go on your phone. I believe some phones come with the composer now, but you can also download it. These composer programs allow you to compose your own ringtones using a series of key-press sequences. Apparently some programs even allow you to adjust the tempo of the tone or increase the normal volume on your phone. Now some of these programs also seem to come with some sort of converter that changes ringtones form one format to another. It seems as though, I maybe understanding this incorrectly, different companies use slightly different formats for ringtones and there is a program that can convert one to the other. I have to admit I don't understand most of this and it seems kind of like technical mumbo jumbo to me. I wasn't even aware there was a language used specifically for ringtones called RTTTL (Ring Tone Text Transfer Language). Apparently this is sort of like the html language used for the internet. I seem to need to catch up with the times. I am not sure when all this composing stuff starting occurring but I am hoping it was sometime in the last four months. I am hoping this because this is the time period during which I have been living in Venezuela and using a cell phone whose technology can't be much better than it was 10 years ago, then I would be at least partially off the hook. Article Source : Nelson Widrow has written numerous articles about many topics including TV ringtones and ringtones composer . ...

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